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BCPL Recruitment 2013 Applications are invited from the eligible candidates who fulfill the following eligibility criterion for filling up the vacancies given below Detail of Vacancies :-
Educational Qualifications :- Diploma, Bachelors Degree, Matric plus ITI, 10+2 (Please Download advertisement detail given below for more information.) Application Fee :- Candidates belonging to General and OBC (Non Creamy Layer) category are required to pay a non‐ refundable application fees of Rs. 50/‐ (Rupees fifty only) by Demand Draft / Pay Order. SC/ST/PH candidates are exempted from payment of application fees. How To Apply :- Application duly completed in all respects along with the attested true copies of the testimonials / documents should be sent by speed post/ordinary post/ courier on or before 28.01.2013 in a cover super scribed "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF “(NAME OF THE POST APPLIED FOR)”as the case may be to the following address: Deputy General Manager (HR) Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited (BCPL), Main Fire Station Building, Project Site Office, PO - Lepetkata, Dibrugarh, Assam PIN -786006 LAST DATE :- 28 Jan. 2013 Schools9.info Provides you the Latest Results Time To Time, School9 Don't Forget Keep Watch This Website http://schools9.info also have http://www.schools9.info ***** Reach us at Linked in, Follows on Twitter, Follow Us on Google+ |
BCPL 93 Non-Executives Recruitment 2013