Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Haryana School Teachers PGT CAT NO. 12, 13, 14 AND 16 interview schedule & Call Letters

Important notice dated 10.12.2012 for verification/scrutiny-cum-interview schedule for the post of PGT English Cat.12 (T to Z), PGT Hindi Cat.13 (B, C, E to G), PGT Political Science Cat.14 (Balance Shortlisted Candidates), PGT Commerce Cat.16

In continuation of Board’s notice dated 26.09.2012, which was published in various newspapers, it is notified for the information of candidates that the Haryana School Teachers Selection Board will conduct the Verification/Scrutiny of Documents-Cum-Interview for the following categories of PGT Posts, HES-II (Group-B), against Advt. No. 1/2012, School Education Department as per schedule :-

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Attention drawn towards HSTSB INTERVIEW INSTRUCTIONS at Appendix-B on website www.hstsb.gov.in and C-DAC website www.recruitment.cdacmohali.in

Download Verification/Scrutiny-cum-Interview call letter w.e.f. 18th December, 2012 from the C-DAC website www.recruitment.cdacmohali.in Verification/Scrutiny of Documents-cum Interview call letter will not be sent by post.

Interview will be of only eligible candidates after verification/scrutiny of documents. No Second chance will be given to the absent candidates. No further correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

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Haryana School Teachers PGT CAT NO. 12, 13, 14 AND 16 interview schedule & Call Letters
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