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Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB) declared the ITI Result 2013 online shortly. Jharkhand ITI Result 2013 entrance exam results 2013 can be downloaded through online from it's main official website like www.jharkhand.gov.in. Candidates who had appeared Jharkhand ITI entrance exam , they can check their results through online form it's main official website using by admit card / hall ticket number.
Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB) declared the ITI Result 2013 online shortly. Jharkhand ITI Result 2013 entrance exam results 2013 can be downloaded through online from it's main official website like www.jharkhand.gov.in. Candidates who had appeared Jharkhand ITI entrance exam , they can check their results through online form it's main official website using by admit card / hall ticket number.
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Jharkhand ITI Entrance Exam Admit card Results 2013