Saturday, December 15, 2012

RBI IBA gazetted non-gazetted govt public holidays of banks india for 2013 calendar - Banking

Here is the list of holidays of all banks across india and among them are top 10 banks in india, top ten private bank holidays in india, top 10 government banks in india holidays to look into:
  • allahabad bank 2013 holidays may out anytime before this month end of 2012
  • andhra bank holidays for 2013 will strict to main ocassions of telugu people
  • axis bank banking holidays list has leave for alternate days inplace of festival holidays falling on sundays
  • bank of baroda or central government holidays are the same in most days of holidays except a few that which will substitute holidays for bob
  • bank of india festival holidays is the core holidays listed in public holidays of boi 2013
  • bank of maharashtra calendar holidays as per gregorian calendar of 2013 and will give importance to marathis celebrations
  • canara bank may also contain gazetted holidays in its list of holidays for 2013
  • cathlic syrian bank follows rules of govt holidays declared for the csb
  • central bank of india staff await list of cbi holidays for 2013 across the indian states of branch
  • cit bank national holidays gets published on or before 31st december 2012
  • corporation bank are the nationalized bank holidays in india followed by most indian banks
  • dhanalakshmi bank releases its new year holidays of 2013 calendar
  • federal bank non-gazetted holidays form part of public holidays of fb across india
  • housing development finance corporation ocassion holidays are the hdfc workers to get relax feel at home
  • icici other holidays like alternate holidays, Sunday festival holidays is also 2013 calendar holidays
  • indian bank public holidays of 2013 printable calendar is fine among the others
  • indian overseas bank & reserve bank of india holidays are more or less same list of holidays of iob
  • indusind bank rbi holidays are holidays list recommended by reserve bank of india
  • industrial development bank of india & private bank holidays have no much difference in leave holidays for banks in india
  • ing vysya bank holidays vary from state to state as a regional holidays
  • jammu & kashmir bank follows the restricted holidays fixed by rbi for j&k bank
  • kotak mahindra bank 2013 state government holidays publishes kmb list of 2013 holidays
  • punjab national bank state holidays are specific over punjabis festivals and celebrations apart from other religion holidays of pnb
  • state bank of india sunday holidays are substituted by next day as holidays for sbi staff
  • union bank of india upcoming year holidays for 2013 new year makes happy ubi employees as there are alternative next day holidays alike previous year holidays

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RBI IBA gazetted non-gazetted govt public holidays of banks india for 2013 calendar - Banking
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