Union Public Service Commission
UPSC conducting the written test on 6th January 2013 for the Recruitment to 7 Posts of Deputy Central Intelligence Officer/ Technical (Wireless Telegraphy) in Intelligence Bureau – Ministry of Home Affairs
UPSC – DCIO/ Technical in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment Test
Exam Date & Day: 6th January 2013 (Sunday)
Exam time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Subject: General Aptitude Test
UPSC DCIO/ Technical in Intelligence Bureau Admit cards:
UPSC Admit cards for DCIO/ Technical in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment Test 2013 are available on UPSC official website http://upscadmitcard.nic.in/main.aspx. Candidates can download their UPSC DCIO/ Technical in IB, MHA Admit cards from the following link. For Downloading of e-Admit Card for DCIO / Tech (Wireless Telegraphy) in IB, MHA, Candidates need to select your download method i.e. by Registration Id/ Roll No/ Name.
UPSC DCIO Intelligence Officer/Technical Admit cards @ http://upscadmitcard.nic.in/DCIODefault.aspx
UPSC DCIO Deputy Central Intelligence Officer / Technical in Intelligence Bureau Exam Pattern & Syllabus are also available now on UPSC official website http://www.upsc.gov.in.
Click here for UPSC DCIO Intelligence Officer/ Technical in IB Exam Pattern & Syllabus
UPSC admit Cards for DCIO Intelligence Officer/ Technical in IB Exam