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There are 82 Gramin bank (called as RRB- Regional Rural Bank) in India which have started their process of recruitment of Bank Officers & Bank Clerks based on IBPS CWE RRB 2012. So far, nine Gramin banks have issued recruitment notification 2013 for a total of 471 Officers & 560 Office Assistants (Clerks).
This blog article provides you the list of these rural banks and their recruitment process by pointing you to the articles posted specifically for a particular Gramin bank.
As the list of the Gramin bank recruitment in 2013 is going to be updated continuously with each and every notification coming up, I hope you would keep visiting this blog post for every bank notification. This information would also be helpful for Gramin Bank Recruitment 2014, which will be based on IBPS CWE 2013 cut-offs.
What are Gramin Banks?
Gramin bank (also called as RRB- Regional Rural Bank), are the offshoots of Govt. of India’s Financial Inclusion Policy (FIP), which aims to extend banking services to the disadvantaged and low income group in India and primarily focuses on inclusion of rural areas in banking maps.
There are 82 Gramin banks at present which started with the formation of the first regional rural bank - Prathama Grameen Bank on 2nd October 1975. There is same share holding pattern for all the Gramin banks in which Govt. of India holds 50% shares, the concerned State Government 15% and one Sponsor Bank 35%. Sponsor Bank is one of the 27 scheduled commercial banks and one State Cooperative Bank.
Gramin Bank Recruitment through IBPS CWE RRB:
Currently these RRBs are facing huge shortage of manpower on account of following reasons:
1.0 There has been virtually no recruitment since from 1990.
2.0 Volume of business has increased almost 10-fold.
3.0 Large-scale retirement is going to take place in between 2012 to 2015.
Therefore to address this huge manpower requirement, for recruitment in the Gramin Banks, IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) had organized CWE (Common Written Exam) for all the 82 RRBs on Written exam for officers on 02/09/2012 & for Office Assistants on 09/09/2012. You can find more about IBPS CWE RRB in three of my previous article titled:
IBPS CWE RRB 2012 Notification & Forms: It tells you how to apply for the IBPS CWE RRB.
IBPS CWE RRB Officer Exam Pattern, Papers & Books : It tells you how to prepare for IBPS CWE RRB Officers exam.
IBPS CWE RRB (Office Assistant) Exam Pattern Papers & Books: It tells you how to prepare for IBPS CWE RRB Office Assistants exam.
Since IBPS CWE (Common Written Exam) for Regional Rural Banks would be conducted annually, you can go through the above articles to know how to apply for IBPS CWE RRB 2014 and how to prepare for the exam in advance.
Only written exam was held by IBPS. The next stages of selection i.e. GD and/or Interview would be done by the respective banks. After the recruitment notifications is issued by a particular Gramin bank, you have to apply for that with your IBPS CWE RRB marks. Banks would shortlist you based on the marks and than call you for Interview.
Current list Gramin Bank Recruitment 2013:
Out of the 82 gramin banks, nine banks have issued recruitment notification already. List of these Gramin banks and their application form submission dates along with number of vacancies are as below:
Shreyas Gramin Bank: 07.12.2012 to 22.12.2012 (36 Officers & 66 Office Assistant)
Karnataka Vikas Gramin Bank: 11.12.2012 to 26.12.2012 (35 Officers & 25 Office Assistants)
Mizoram Rural Bank: 12.12.2012 to 27.12.2012 (15 Officers & 12 Office Assistant)
South Malabar Gramin Bank: 17.12.2012 to 07.01.2013 (75 Officers & 100 Office Assistant)
Baroda UP Gramin Bank: 18.12.2012 to 02.01.2013 (82 Officers & 84 Office Assistant)
Deccan Grameena Bank: 19.12.2012 to 01.01.2013 (130 Officers & 180 Office Assistant)
Gurgaon Gramin Bank: 20.12.2012 to 02.01.2013 (30 Officers & 39 Office Assistant)
Wainganga Krishna Gramin Bank: 24.12.2012 to 04.01.2013 (5 Officers & 14 Office Assistant)
Prathama Bank: 27.12.2012 to 07.01.2013 (50 Officers & 40 Office Assistant)
Following four Gramin banks are going to issue recruitment notification 2013 shortly and you can find the date of start of form submissions:
Krishna Grameena Bank (Starting 28th December 2012)
Allahabad UP Gramin Bank (Starting 28th December 2012)
Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank (Starting 31st December 2012)
Surguja Kshetriya Gramin Bank (Starting 07th January 2013).
I am going to update above list of Gramin Bank Recruitment in 2013 with each and every notification when it comes up. So you should keep visiting this blog article.
In the mean-while you can download this list of post-wise, category-wise vacancies of Gramin Bank Recruitment in 2013 so far. I am going to update this list with further recruitment notifications as and when they are published. So please keep visiting this article. Also to know more about IBPS CWE Cut-Off set by Gramin Banks for Interview and other eligibility.
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