OU BA Results 2013, OU B.Com Results 2013, OU B.Sc Results 2013, OU BBA Results 2013, OU BBM Results 2013, Osmania University BA Results 2013, Osmania University B.Com Results 2013, Osmania University B.Sc Results 2013, Osmania University BBA Results 2013, Osmania University BBM Results 2013
OU Supplementary Degree results were announced today i.e., on 13th December, 2013
Results Out... Check Now....
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Osmania University, Hyderabad is conducted the Degree BA BCom BSc Annual Examinations March / April 2013. from 22.03.2013 to 18.04.2013. OU BA BCom BSc Results 2013 were going to be announced Soon. Evaluation of OU Degree Exam Papers is also completed and the Authorities were confirmed that the Osmania University Degree Results 2013 & OU Degree Supplementary Results 2013 were announced today i.e., 13th December 2013.
OU Supplementary Degree results were announced today i.e., on 13th December, 2013
Osmania University Results 2013, OU Degree Results 2013: -
The university conducted their entrance exams fro all kinds of degree courses as like Bachelor of Engineering, Masters and Doctoral programs is based on the merit list. Name of the entrance exams is EAMCET, GATE , O.U etc. Result will be depend on the exams of their related courses.When Osmania University Results 2013 announce then all Osmania University students will be able to check Osmania University Results 2013 on it’s official website at osmania.ac.in.
Results Out... Check Now....
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OU Degree Results 2013 |
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OU Degree Results 2013
please announce the date of degree results we are eagrly waiting
Replyplz announce the date of ou degree results.plz
Replyplz release the date of ou degree results..we r waiting for results
Replyplz announce the results date ,, we r wting for that
ReplyPlease declare the results of degree of Osmania University. We are waiting with our cross fingers.
ReplyWhen will be the result... Waiting....
Replyplease announce the date of results we are eagerly waiting or at least in which week going to release
Replyjune 5 results going to release
Replyplz....show exact date.
Replyplz announce the date of o.u degree results we re egrly waiting............
Replysir results kosam wait chesthunnam ekkada as early as possible results release cheyyandi
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Replysir pls post exact date of announcement of results in ur ou website
Replypls sir not me only all of the ou degree students requesting to ou to announce the degree results we can't wait more pleassssss
Replyoh! my dear god say them to announce resuls quickly.
Please announce degree results soon sir we are waiting eagerly
Replywhen will announce ou degree results tell me
ReplyPls issue the degree result date....!
Replybe a fast man
ReplyCan u please tell us the exact date of annoumcement od results... they are vry important for our reporting to the job.. plzzzz announce..
Replywe are eagerly awaiting for the results to come
ReplyPlz announce the release date officially on official site
Plz realse the results
Replywhen will be the result :(
Replyplease announce the date how much we have to wait its too much.
ReplyAsid Hussaini Said..........
ReplyPlease Announce the date when the results is Published
please announce the date of results..
Replysir plz give me degree result anounce datle plz plz sir...!
ReplyPlease tell me the date of Results for B.Com General
ReplyAs the exams were held 2weeks late,we may expect it in a week
Replyplz announce d date n time
Replythe osmania university is going to announce the results on 13th of june 2013. Regards "ou official member"
ReplyIt has been a very long wait. Im sure me and several others like me need a date at the very least to be satiated for the time being. I would request OU to declare the date of announcement at least.
ReplyWhen will degree results be announced? We are waiting with 1000 eyes. . . Plz announce the particular date. . .
ReplyPlz announce the exact date of ou degree results. . .
ReplyPlz announce degree ou results. . . We r waiting for them. . .
Replyplz release the results we r wating for results
ReplyThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyPlz... announce the ou degree result
Reply13 June is it right....plz confirm once
Reply13 June is it right....pplz confirm once
Reply13,June is this confirmed date..plz make sure...plz its a request
Replyplease announce the date of degree results we are waitng eagrely
Replysir i m a graduate from o u but i didnt get 60 percent marks in 2009
Replyi want to write a exam which make my percentage 60 so the mnc wil hire me .
13 june...its a long wait..plz confirm it I ll be very much thankful to u sir...do a needful
ReplyRumours are being heard that the results would be announced on 13th of june. How long will it true? Plz announce exact date of ou degree results. Plz sir. . . .
ReplyPlz tel me when the result of degree.plz release as soon as posible
ReplyPlz confirm the date...sir plz...I m requesting you...
Reply5th June 11 AM
ReplyResults r gng to release on 25 th june after 5:30pm confirm. 'ou faculty'
Replyarey ooo OU badcow results apudu bey ...
ReplyPlz release date sir
ReplyPlz release date sir
Replyis it 5th june university confirmed it
Reply5 June is it exact date...do confirm once
Replywht the fcuk is unversity guys playing with this kids life release the results as soon as possible all students r waiting for there results mkc unversity ki
Replywhen will release ou results
Replyyes it is 5th june 11 am.....published in papers....5th or 6th it seems
ReplyHey guys all dates r fake the result is going to be released on 25th june after 5:30pm. 'ou senior faculty'
ReplyAll the best guys for or results.....'ou sr faculty'
Replyand guys results pakka
on 25th june . U plz dont get tensed by seeing the fake dates what others r posting
how much long should we wait.it would be better if they have declared a fixed date before itself just like icet.its creating a tension in students especially final year students whose career is totallty depended on these results.please declare soon
ReplyHold on my dear...whoever u r..let's wait and watch the responsibilities of ou..they r just playing a back games with d students by not mentioning the exact date..
Replyresults will release 6th june it is correct date best of luck osmania university students,,,,
Replypllz announce the results as soon as possible
Replyannounce the degree result we r still waiting...thk .Q
Replyhello plz announce the date of degree results date im waiting plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Replylooking forward for degree results...
Replypls tell xact date
rels soon results...plz
dnt postpone it.
looking forward for degree results...
Replypls tell xact date
rels soon results...plz
dnt postpone it.
hey...guyz...dont be take a tension..
ReplyResult will be held on after 15 june..
who said u..?
the result will be on 5 june....
some one has spread that wrong news..
hey guyz dont be take tension result will be held on after 20 june
ReplyActually my in-laws are waiting for my result..I m very much worried and tensed..wat will happen...Allah is with us not to worry..gulam abid r u sure about dis date..plz do confirm once..
ReplyI heard that in some of the Telugu newspaper it has been mentioned as 6 June..is it right...plz reply
Replyresults will be announced on 6th june..confirmed
Replyis it real results wil b announced on 6th.......plz tell.........
ReplyWhat ever result is on ready to face result
Replyplease release the results
Replywen iz degree final year result plz tell us v r eagerly w8tn plz nd xpctn a good result insha allah
ReplyPlz release results kaka neku punyam
Replyresults r 7june
ReplyResult is on 12 june ....dont worry just chilllll....,
ReplyOU Degree results are announced on 06.06.2013 after 11.30 AM, you will check results on below link http://www.osmania.ac.in/
results will b announced on 6th june.... is it ri8
Replyactually am not sure. ..
Replybut my tution sir told me ou has to be declare a resuls within 45 days.
so now nd todayonwards 45 days will be completed. .
i think may be result come on tomorrow..
inshallah...but u guyz dont take tension..
allah ka name liyo aur result dekho..
.....by the way wats ur name dude....
june 8 result will be announced.....
ReplyWhere is the result ? R they playing a game with us? Hey guyz announce the date plzzzzzzzzs
Replywe r waiting announced the date r result plz.............
Replys tommorrow is the result...after 11.30 am...all d best folks :)
Replymkc bkc osmania ki result declare karo re mdc
Replytomorrow tomorrow tomorrow............!!!!!
ReplyCould u plz announce the exact date of ou degree results 2013. . .plz sir. . . . .we r waiting 4 them
Reply15 June...is confirmed...not 6 jine
Replyresults will we on 7th june
Replyresults will be on 7th june pakka
Replyresults on 7th june
Replyresults on 7th june
Replyrealy m waiting fr my results oh! allah jst pass us me my frnds nd all my brthr nd sistrs ya allah plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz nd we dnt no ecact date bt v can pray to allah b4 results cum.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Replyguys tmrw(7-6-13) is our results 100% confirmed.see today‘s newspaper.
Replyresults are likely to be announce 6th june after 11.30 am --ou stuent
Replyresult on 7th june as published in news paper
ReplyWhich newspaper?
Replyplz tell us when z degree result we all d students are waitng so tenced 2 know our result plz declear exact date
Replyy results releasing so late.............
ReplyResults are going to be announced today itself after 11.45 am
ReplyRegards 'ou faculty'
Replyguyz on 7th june our degree rzlt will be announce as per the todays newspaper news(info) ....plz pray 4 all of us 2 get pass...
ReplyLONGEST MINUTES IN LIFE,waiting for exam result.
Replyplz let me knw the timing wen results r going to be released
Replyon 7th? Sure? At what time?
Replysure on 7th? At what time?
Replynijanga evala ne na mana results
Replysure results r announcing today are not
ReplyAuthorities were confirmed that the Osmania University Degree Results 2013 will be announced today i.e., 7th June, 2013 at 11:30 AM.
ReplyOU Degree results were today i.e., on 7th June, 2013, 11:30 AM
Hello ,
ReplyResults on 7June'2013 at 11:30 AM
All the best to every one :-)
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ReplyOu ug result is now......at 11 : 30 am.........all da best bro n sis........may our good lucks shake our hands today.....YAM
Replywhat abt bba results??
ReplyFor how much time we have to wait
Replywere is result 11:30 am is over but there is no any result
ReplyHow much time it will take to publish the results .......... So pissed off
ReplyNow it is 12 Noon the results are out at 11.30 AM still the results are not Published on site.
Replyplzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz twaraga release cheyandi,link open avvatledu inka
ReplyResults will not be declared today
Replyarey maderchod! makeylowdey! teri maa ki chut. mashquadey! teri behen ko bi results dekna hai. jaldi release kar.
Replywhen result will announce
ReplyIt's past 11:30.....Please release the results!!!
Reply11:30 over ........
ReplyWhat the hell u people doing
ou ppl must use 3g net...
Reply2g net use kare to aisa hi hota..
11:30 ke 12:30 hogaye.. bt results ka koi aata pata nahi h..
How much time it will take for loading,all Hyderabad guys is wating for they result.
Replyso,pls kindly dispatch it soon...
hiya......any idea abt bba results?
ReplyWhere are the bba results?
ReplyWhen will the bba results be declared?
ReplyBBA results within fifteen days. Said by a person working at OU
Replywhat about BCA results?
ReplyStill no news about the results