UGC NET 2013 Test Centre Details, UGC NET 2013 Exam Centre Details can be found available and OU Region All Andhra Pradesh UGC NET December 2013 Exam Centre Details candidate wise check from here.
University Grants Commission National Educational Testing Bureau is conducting National Eligibility Test for Junior Research Fellowship and Eligibility for Assistant Professor Examination on 29th December 2013. UGC NET 2013 Examination Admit Card / Hall Ticket download available here. UGC NET 2013 Test Centre Information details were available here. Candidate wise UGC NET 2013 Exam Centre Details can be view-able from our website.
Instructions to the OU Region UGC NET December 2013 writing Candidates :
The examination hall/room shall be opened 30 minutes before the time specified for the commencement of the examination (i.e. 29th Dec.,2013, “SUNDAY”). No candidate who is late by more than 20 minutes, shall be admitted to the examination. A seat marked with a roll number shall be allotted to each candidate. The candidates shall be required to find out and occupy the seats allotted to them by 9.00 a.m.
No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall/room until 11.30 a.m. in the 1st session and 3.30 p.m. in the second session of the examination. No candidate shall be permitted to go to the toilet during the last 20 minutes of the examination in each session. The candidate should not tamper the seal of the Test Booklets before 9.30 a.m. in 1st session and 1.30 P.M. in 2nd session.
Before beginning to answer the paper, the candidate should write his/her roll number in the space provided in the Test Booklet and OMR Sheet. The candidate should read carefully the instructions appearing on the Test Booklet & OMR Sheet and check that the Test Booklet &OMR Sheet supplied to him/her is not defective and if so, may secure another copy from the Invigilator in lieu of the first one. The Test Booklet should be checked with reference to page numbers, serial number of the questions, code number and the subject offered by the candidate.
If a candidate writes his/her Mobile number or puts any special mark at any place in the OMR Sheet which may disclose, in any way, the identity of the candidate, he/she will render himself/herself liable to disqualification, under unfair means rule. Each candidate is required to bring his/her own ball point pen (blue/black). The use of calculators & Log Tables is not permitted. Any electronic devices including Cellular, Mobile, Satellite Phone, Pager etc. are not allowed in Examination Hall/Room under any circumstances.
The time allotted for each paper includes time required to read instructions appearing on the Test Booklet and OMR Sheet for filling entries at the appropriate places. No extra time will be provided.
The schedule for ringing of the bell is as follows:-
(i) 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination.
(ii) At the commencement of the examination.
(iii) Fifteen minutes before the conclusion of the Paper I, II & III.
(iv) At the end of the each paper.
The candidate shall have to return the original OMR Sheet of Paper I & II together and Paper-III to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall/room. However, candidates are allowed to carry the used Test Booklets of paper-I, II & III alongwith carbon less copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination. Smoking and taking tea/refreshment etc., by the candidates in the examination hall/room is strictly prohibited.
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