Tuesday, January 27, 2015

MP Board 10th Class 2015 Time Table

MP Board 10th Class 2015 Time Table for Madhya Pradesh HSC Exam Dates at mpbse.nic.in ..

Madhya Pradesh state Board of Secondary Education Declared 10th Class annual Public Examination tests Schedule to the State Secondary School Education annual final examination tests for all general, vocational group students who have wish to continue their study under MPBSE to the academic year of 2015. Students can follow bellow table to check subject wise exam dates with timings and please visit the board official website for any changes in the schedule.

Check it Now Available at http://mpbse.nic.in

MPBSE HSE Programme and Scheme 2015 High School Certificate Exams - 10th Class
Timing : Morninig 08:30 to 11.30 a.m.

S. No.DayDateSubject
1TuesdayMar 3, 2015Third Language (General) :- Sanskrit, Urdu, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil, Punjabi, Sindhi, Malayalam, Kannada & Oriya.
2ThursdayMar 5, 2015First Language (Special) :- Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil, Punjabi, Sindhi, Malayalam, Kannada & Oriya.
3WednesdayMar 11, 2015Mathematics
4FridayMar 13, 2015Second & Third Language (General)- Hindi
5TuesdayMar 17, 2015Science
6WednesdayMar 18, 2015(Only for Deaf & Dumb Students)- Painting
(Only for Blind Students)- Music
7FridayMar 20, 2015Social Science
8TuesdayMar 24, 2015Second & Third Language (General)- English

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MP Board 10th Class 2015 Time Table
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