This blog article discusses the important information contained in above notification so as to help you apply for it to know about the eligibility and the application process. .
But first: what is Coal India Ltd. after all? A synopsis –
What is Coal India Ltd. (CIL):
Coal India is one among the nine "Maharatna", best ranking PSU in India. It is the largest coal producing company in the world and is the largest corporate employer with approx 3.8 lakh employee.
With its headquarter at Kolkata, Coal India Ltd. operates 471 mines spread over in eight states out of which 273 are underground, 163 opencast and 35 mixed mines. It operates 17 Coal Beneficiation Plants. It contributes to around 81% of the total coal production in India, with which it caters to 72 out of 75 thermal power stations of the country. Coal India is also undertaking many mining operations abroad and joint ventures.
You can find more about Coal India in its About Us page as well as in Wiki.
CIL Eastern Coalfields Recruitment 2013 Important Dates:
Online application start date: 01/12/2012.
Last date of submitting the online application form: 15/12/2012.
Last date for receiving the hard copy of the form & Offline form: 15/12/2012

You can find the discipline-wise, category-wise vacancies of Coal India in the table as given at right.
Of these positions, only Dy.Surveyor. Tech. & Suvr. belongs to Gr. B posts while all other belongs to Gr. C posts.
Salary for Coal India Staffs:
Coal India offers these staff positions salary in following Basic pay-scale:
For Gr. C posts: Rs.19035.02 PM
For Gr. B posts: Rs.20552.37 PM
The company also offers other benefits like DA, HRA etc.
Coal India Staff Recruitment Eligibilities:
Age eligibility: Minimum 18 years, Maximum 30 yrs as on 01.12.2012.
Relaxations in age: SC/ST: 5 years, OBC: 3 years, PH: 10 years.
Academic Qualification eligibility:
All of these positions needs minimum matriculation with diploma/certificate as specialization. Some posts also needs post-qualification expereince,details of which can be found in page:1 -3 of the notification.
Coal India Staff Recruitment Selection Process:
Selection process for Coal India Staff positions consists of a written test followed by interview.
CIL Eastern Coalfields Recruitment 2013 Application form:
You can apply for this Coal India Staff Recruitment both through online application form as well as offline application form. How to apply for Coal India Staff Recruitment is given very clearly in section: “How to apply” in page-4 of the recruitment notification.
You can find the Eastern Coalfields Recruitment 2013 offline application form in page 6/7 of the notification.
If you want to fill the online form, click here to find the CIL Eastern Coalfields Recruitment 2013 Online form.
CIL Eastern Coalfields Recruitment 2013 Notification Form Eligibility