This article is part of a series of continuing blog post on Indian railway recruitment 2013, aimed to provide you the info on how to get the top-most jobs in railway recruitments – the “Group-A” Indian railway jobs. It tells you what is a Group-A railway job, what is the selection process, in which recruitment exams you have to appear along with the eligibility required & where to get the application forms.
If you have not gone through my previous article titled: “Railway Recruitment 2013”, I would you suggest you to go through the same as it introduces you to the Indian railway job market, giving you a panoramic view of the same.
Taking off from where I left in the above article, let us know what is an Indian railway “Group-A” job and how to get the same.
What is a “Group-A” Indian railway job:
These are the top-most Gazetted officer jobs in Indian railway – they are recruited directly through UPSC exams or are promoted from Group-B to Group-A.
Example of Group-A entry level posts are:
Indian Railway Traffic Service: Assistant Commercial Superintendent (ACS), Assistant Operations Superintendent (AOS).
Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS): Assistant Accounts Officers (AAO).
Railway Protection Force: Assistant Security Commissioner.
Railway Engineering Services: Assistant Engineer (AE)
Indian Railway Medical Service: Assistant Divisional Medical Officer (ADMO)
Salary of “Group-A” Indian railway job:
Following is the pay-scale for different posts in Group-A railway officers:
PB-3: (Rs.15600 – 39100): GP Rs.7600, Rs.6600 and Rs.5400
PB-4: (Rs.37400-67000) with GP Rs.10000, Rs.8900 and Rs.8700
HAG: (Rs.67000-79000).
HAG+: (Rs.75500-800000).
Apex Scale: (Rs.80000-fixed).
HAG stands for Higher Administrative Grade, PB stands for Pay Band while GP means Grade Pay.
Recruitment exams for “Group-A” Indian railway job:
Which exams you have to pass to get the Group-A Indian railway job? Well, there are four UPSC exams (SCRA, CMS, Engineering Services & Civil Services exam) through which you can get the coveted Group-A job in Indian railway.
I am giving synopsis of these UPSC exams for Railway below:
This is a catch-them-young program of Indian Railway. You need to be only a Class-XII pass. But however, the exam is very competitive - close to one lakh students apply for it and less than 100 are selected – ratio of selection in SCRA exam is less than 1:1000! In SCRA 2013, only 42 are going to be selected!
Post selection, 4-year training in Mechanical Engineering is imparted by IRIMEE (Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Jamalpur) on completion of which you are absorbed as a Class-I (i.e. Group-A) officer in Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineering (IRSME). Many of them have gone on to become the Chairman of the Railways.
UPSC Civil Services Exam:
Civil Services Exam does not need any introduction – this very popular (and hence very competitive) exam is conducted by UPSC for recruitments in 24 elite government organizations such as IAS, IPS, IFS, Indian Revenue Service, Indian Railway Service, Indian Audit and Accounts Service, Indian Postal Service etc.
Through Civil Services Exam, you can join the following four railway Group-A services:
1. Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS).
2. Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS).
3. Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS).
4. Railway Protection Force (RPF).
UPSC Engineering Services Exam:
Also commonly called as Indian Engineering Services (IES) exam, Engineering Services Exam conducted by UPSC enables you to join following five Technical Group-A Indian Railway jobs:
1. IRSE - Indian Railway Service of (Civil) Engineers
2. IRSEE - Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers
3. IRSME - Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers
4. IRSS - Indian Railway Stores Service
5. IRSSE - Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers
UPSC Combined Medical Services Exam:
This UPSC Medical exam is conducted for recruitment in Indian Railways, Ordnance Factories Health Service, Central Health Services, Municipal Corporation of Delhi etc.
Through UPSC CMS exam, you can get a job in group-A Indian Railway Medical Service (IRMS), in which you are absorbed as an ADMO (Assistant Divisional Medical Officer).
Eligibility for “Group-A” Indian railway job Recruitment exams:
Thus from above, you have come to know which exams you have to appear for Group-A railway jobs. But what are the eligibility required for above UPSC exams? I am giving the eligibilities below exam-wise:
Eligibility for SCRA Exam:
Age Eligibility:
Min. 17 years and Max. 21 years. Relaxations in age exists as per Govt. rule.
Academic Eligibility:
You need to have passed the Class-XII exam (Intermediate or Sr. Secondary examination under the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent) in 1st or 2nd Division with Mathematics and at least one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as subject of the examination.
Candidates appearing at the 12th Class final or equivalent examination are also eligible to compete subject to certain conditions.
Eligibility for Civil Services Exam:
Age Eligibility:
Min: 21 yrs, Max: 30 yrs. There is relaxations in age for reserved categories as per Govt. rule: SC/ST: 5 years, OBC: 3 years, PH: 10 years.
Educational Qualification Eligibility:
You need to be a graduate in any discipline from a recognized institute/university.
Final year students of Graduation can also apply, but you have to produce the proof of passing the requisite examination, while applying for the Main Examination which is likely to be called sometime in July/August month.
Eligibility for Engineering Services Exam:
Age Eligibility:
You need to be between 21 years to 30 years. Age relaxations exist as per Govt. rules.
Academic Qualification Eligibility:
You must be a graduate in Engineering from a recognized university.
Even Final year students can also appear in IES exam, provided he/she can provide the proof of passing the exam when IES exam (Written) result comes out, which is around the month of December.
Eligibility for Combined Medical Services Exam:
Age Eligibility:
Max 32 years. Relaxations exist as per Govt. rule.
Educational Qualification Eligibility:
You must have passed the final MBBS Examination (Written as well as practical).
Final year students can also apply and appear in the exam, provided they can provide the proof of passing the final MBBS Exam when the written test result of UPSC CMS Exam is declared in the month of April/May.
You can find the summary of eligibility-wise (Age & Qualification) name of UPSC exams for Group-A railway recruitment in the table below:

Indian railway recruitment 2013 (Group-A) Notification:
Next to knowing about the exams & the eligibilities required for becoming a Group-A railway officer, you would definitely want to know when the exam notifications would come out.
Railway Recruitment 2013 (Group A) Notification, Form & Eligibility