Once you make up your mind to get a LIC Direct Sales Executive job, next question that hits you is: how to prepare for the LIC DSE job exam? Where to find those sample papers? What book to study?
These are the questions I would like to answer through this blog post to help you prepare for the exam. In the beginning only let me tell you that online prep materials in the net for LIC DSE exam is very scarce, almost non-existent. So I am trying to point you to the resources available for similar recruitment exams, for which some good materials are available.
First let us know what is the pattern of LIC DSE Exam.
LIC DSE Exam Pattern:
LIC in its job notification has not said much about the pattern of Direct Sales Executives written test except that it consists of Objective Type questions from following four test sections:
1. Sales aptitude.
2. Test of Reasoning.
3. Numerical Ability.
4. General Knowledge.
This exam pattern is very similar to ones for Bank PO exams and hence you can base your preparation on Bank PO exams.
Online Sample Papers for LIC DSE Exam:
Since no material is available on the net for LIC DSE exam, following sample/previous years papers of Bank PO exams should definitely help:
Sample Papers for LIC Reasoning Test:
Also go through my blog article: Test of Reasoning: Sample Question papers & Books, which tells you what is test of reasoning in depth and points you to the sample papers and books to prepare for the same.
Sample Papers for LIC Numerical Aptitude Test:
Sample Papers for LIC Sales Aptitude Test:
I could not find any Online sample paper for Aptitude test, but following papaer on marketing aptitude can be an eye-opener.
You can also use following book to prepare for this test:
List Price: Rs.95
LIC DSE Exam Pattern, Sample Papers & Books